If you could do anything today, what would you do?
It’s a classic fantasy that we all like to indulge from time to time. In my previous life I often thought about what I would do ‘if I could’. It always made me sad to think about it since I felt powerless to ever have the life I imagined. Ironically, it was losing the life I thought I couldn’t live without that allowed me the opportunity to grow and create the fulfilling life I now have. As I worked through the wreckage of my situation, those ‘someday’ imagination sessions got me through many a tough moment. They got me thinking seriously about what really mattered to me in life. I discovered that the negative voice I had been hearing inside all my life was not mine. I found my true inner voice and began listening and acting on it. As I did, the negative voice faded dramatically. I stopped seeing my desires as impossible fantasies and began doing whatever it took to manifest them. As they became more and more clear, they served as inspiration to work toward a life that I would find fulfilling and inspiring. And here I am now. Living a life that is challenging, rewarding, unpredictable, and full of diverse experiences. I have zero idea how it’s going to all work out, but it keeps working out as I take each step with faith and purpose. I am finally living the life my heart has always wanted.
Now, for the ‘be careful what you wish for’ part of this post.
Finding the path that fires your soul will call for courage and sacrifice. Letting go is a huge part of arriving in an inspired place no matter what your pursuit, and is very painful at times. You will feel lost. You will feel selfish. You will fail. You may lose relationships that are important to you. You will feel fear. You will disappoint people you love. You will feel heartless at times and deeply question your motivations for what you are doing. All are part and parcel of authentic living and necessary for us to grow. It is not comfortable nor easy! But, I promise you, it all leads to a place of deep personal connection with what stokes your fire. A place where you no longer wish to escape or be somewhere else. A place where other’s expectations are no longer your own. A bountiful place that has nothing to do with your financial holdings. Yes, we all need money, but it will never, ever, be what brings you serenity, purpose, or love. Only your true path will do that. Money can be taken away in the blink of an eye, just like your health. Some will get financially rich following their true path and others will not. Such is life. Material wealth has nothing to do with wholehearted and purposeful living. The currencies of a fulfilling life are love and time. We all have that to give if we are willing.
So, what would I be doing today if I could be doing anything I wanted? I’d be doing exactly what I am doing. I feel that way literally every day. It’s a state where every night when I lay my head down I’m satisfied if the day had been my last. Let me tell you, that sense of serenity is the greatest wealth I have ever experienced.