Monday, April 4, 2022

Northbound soon...

My time in San Francisco this time around is drawing to a close. I have definitely come to love this city, it's people, and districts. The entire Bay area is quite special and I could definitely see myself possibly settling here when my nomadic days wrap up. I have no idea when that time will come, but if I settle in the US it will likely be on the California coast.

Jackdaw has gained several patrons this year and it's very encouraging! Current patronage covers just over half my monthly expenses. I'm still pulling from retirement each month to keep the wheels turning, but I have faith full support will be reached before I hit my financial breaking point. I am so grateful for my patrons! This work and all the effort it takes to build this philanthropy wouldn't be possible without each and every one of you. Fuel prices are putting a hit on me, (and everyone), so I've cut down on driving as much as I can. I will spend the summer in the Seattle metro shooting for all the agencies I have established relationships with there, and hopefully adding some new ones. When I return to San Francisco in the Fall, I will be spending the entire winter here doing my best to create the same kind of foundation with agencies here that I have in Seattle. I'll also be experimenting with other ways of creating portraits for marginalized communities beyond family shelters.

I recently created portraits for families at the San Mateo LifeMoves shelter. The house management did the sweetest thing with the 4x6 prints that I delivered from the shoot. They put them in frames before giving them to the families! One of the program associates there, Miguel, emailed me a photo of all their framed portraits arranged together on a table. I was so touched by that! Due to the nature of this work, I virtually never get to see how the portraits I create get displayed or used. So, it was a very special treat to get to see that!

All the travel I did this winter through the western US and Baja was quite the magical and challenging journey! The people, places, and trials, have as usual, shown me more about myself and what I'm capable of. I encourage you to push your bounds whatever they may be. Moving beyond your comfort zone is one of the big keys to personal growth and evolution. I guarantee you will surprise yourself if you give it a try. We are almost always capable of so much more than we realize. 

I'm going to close with my favorite Anthony Bourdain quote. It is one that resonates with me more and more as the years of this nomadic lifestyle roll by...

'Travel changes you. As you move through this life and this world you change things slightly, you leave marks behind, however small. And in return, life - and travel - leave marks on you. Most of the time, those marks - on your body or on your heart - are beautiful. Often though, they hurt.'
