I can't have a serious conversation regarding the philanthropy I'm engaged in without the subject of purpose coming up. As soon as it does, whomever I'm talking with almost always asks how one goes about finding their purpose. It's always a tricky topic! This is because there is no single technique for discovering it in our lives. Many who think they have no idea what their purpose may be, simply haven't made the focused effort to discover it. But, beyond really searching oneself for it, I think there's one other action that is key to discovering the unique blessing we are capable of. That action is letting go.
The vast majority of us are not good at this. We live in a culture of raging consumerism, pursuit of social status, and all manner of ready distraction from the truth of ourselves. The last thing most people want to do is let go of anything they have acquired, be it material, relational, real or imagined. We cling ferociously to elements in our lives that we want to bank on as 'forever'. We've been collectively conditioned to believe that these external things and their constant expansion are what give our lives meaning and purpose. When all along they are stealthily pushing our purpose further and further back into the darkest corners of our psyche. Hidden away like the art we made as children that our parents saved in a dusty box somewhere.
Let me be clear that I'm not saying you have to give up everything you own and live in a truck like me in order to discover your unique purpose! That has simply been the path I needed to manifest mine. What I will tell you is that I don't believe one finds their altruistic purpose without sacrifice. If you want your heart full of the magic of a purpose driven life, you're going to have to shed the elements of your life that stand against it. Addictions, debts, dysfunctional relationships, caring what everyone thinks of you, etc.. The list goes on and on and is unique to each person.
You have to be brutally honest with yourself about your life. Self examination is something you should regularly make focused time for. And when you do, make it fearless. Say out loud what you're afraid to say out loud. Whatever you feel, about whomever or whatever it is, speak it out loud. Hear your own voice. This is one of the most powerful initial tools in taking steps toward finding and eventually having the courage to manifest your purpose.
I felt a bit more than crazy when I first realized the portrait gifting was the purpose my skills were meant to serve. It was difficult the first few times I shared it with friends and coworkers. Though they were generally respectful, I could see the 'he's crazy' thoughts behind their responses. But, with each time I shared what I had decided to do, and as I took steps to actually do it, it got more and more concrete. Over time, many came around to seeing the value of what I was doing, and the ones who thought it was crazy just completely fell off my radar. It's funny how sometimes we care what even people we don't respect think of us! How ridiculous! Seeking the approval of everyone around us will never allow one to reach their full potential.
I'd also like to take this moment to state the obvious. Not everyone's purpose is going to raise eyebrows! Yours doesn't have to be unconventional in order to be purposeful! It could be as simple and monumental as creating a safe and loving home for your children. It could be volunteering to spend time with seniors at your local senior center. It could be walking dogs at the local animal shelter. The list of ways you can engage your passions and bless those around you is boundless. Engage with all your love and make no comparisons with what anyone else is doing, because it doesn't matter what anyone else is doing. As you do so, a theme will develop like a compass bearing steadily guiding your purpose. Don't be afraid to make mistakes along the way. You will, and you will learn from them. The amazing thing is that you'll find yourself less and less afraid of falling on your face. This is because your heart gets so full and satisfied as you engage your purpose.
All the time people comment on how happy I seem. It's like the number one first comment I get when people message me. I truly am as happy as I appear on my socials. That contentment comes from knowing to my core that I am doing what I was meant to do in this moment. This is not to say I never have to deal with difficulties and roadblocks. Please! It's not a magic fairy tale life! But, when those things hit me I'm far less reactive than I would be if I wasn't living a life that feels meaningful.
Finding meaning in your life requires you to find purpose. Finding purpose requires letting go, or un-learning, that which does not serve you in positive ways. It's a simple truth, but one that is often very challenging to execute.
So, start small. Make time to examine your heart and speak your truth. If you're willing to listen, you'll find purpose.
Photo- January, 2022. Image of me enjoying sunrise on Playa Santispac, Sea of Cortez, Baja California. Shot by a fellow traveler who's name I can't recall or find at the moment. Please contact me if you read this Amigo!