Monday, April 30, 2018

Biggest traffic month yet!

April saw 404 website hits! Traffic continues to grow as I get out on the road more and more. I'm so excited to be doing so full time as of August!

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Road video shared...

A new friend spotted me headed east today and shot this video as he rolled past Hella and I tearing it up at 50mph. Thanks Jonas!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The countdown has begun!

I can hardly believe I'm so close ! It's been over 2.5 years since I began working on this purpose. Last Fall it felt so far away yet! With the weather turning glorious it doesn't feel far now! I am so excited, and grateful that you are along for the ride. It's going to get very interesting come August 1! Namaste 

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Creating signage...

The big takeaway lesson from yesterday is that I need to have fun signage on my shoot days. A few folks went by that probably hadn't seen the flyer in the park office and likely assumed what they saw going on was for someone else. I've got a black dry erase sandwich board sign on the way too!

Live in Truth

I am so inspired today by my family and friends. Their words and actions always come along just when I need them most. It's a huge challenge doing something entirely new and uncharted. I am overwhelmed at times by the scope of what I'm doing. But, I have an infinite undercurrent of gratitude and faith that keeps me steadily moving forward. You are all part of that force that sustains me. I love you for it.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

A very valuable day.

The weather was threatening, but held off the entire shoot time! This being the first time out, I only advertised it to a single, very small community. Next Saturday's shoot has been advertised much more broadly, so I expect it will be better utilized. Plus, I think the extremely rainy morning and grey afternoon kept people away. I only created a single portrait today, but learned a lot about how to improve the shoot day scene. We definitely came to the conclusion that I need serious shoot day signage, so I'll be making a fun sandwich board sign tomorrow. Thank you to my Goddess for helping me out on location and brainstorming with me today, (the sandwich board sign was her idea!)!

Jackdaw shoot #1!

Today's the day! Almost set up and ready for my first community family portrait day.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Building momentum...

Hella working her magic as the best billboard ever! While on the west side last weekend, a psychologist at Western State Hospital spotted me driving on I-5 and checked out the Jackdaw website. She then contacted me to see if I'd be interested in doing portraits for patients and families at the hospital. I am thrilled!

While I was in San Francisco visiting my daughter last week, I made contact with Raphael House regarding gifting portraits for their resident families. It was too short notice to make anything happen last week, but we will be putting a shoot together for the next time I'm in the City to visit.

Wonderful opportunities to bless keep happening as I pour my energy into Jackdaw. Thank you all for your encouragement and support! I have family shoot day events for the next two weekends. I'll be posting about them!

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Hella got some road time...

Just returned to Ellensburg from a few days on the road. Hella tore it up, though I really need to replace the windshield seals! Still saving up for them! While on the west side a psychologist from Western Hospital in Lakewood emailed me about doing portraits for some of their patients and families. How awesome is that?!