Thursday, June 28, 2018

At the Northwest Overland Rally in Plain!

I am conducting a photography workshop for kids at the rally tomorrow. Super fun! Hella broke down trying to get here last year and I ended up borrowing my sister's XTerra to get here just for my workshop. Thanks Nik! This is much better though! Presenters and Vendors got in early. That's why it looks empty. It will be filling up very soon ! There was a huge line of rigs waiting to get in when I rolled onto the grounds. It felt very VIP to just tool on in. Sweet.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Feeling launch approaching...

It's a hot Sunday evening in central Washington. I've spent yet another Sunday sorting through my possessions and separating them into 'store', 'yard sale', and 'give' piles. The house I rent for my son hardly looks like a home inside anymore. With barely a month left, everything is getting extra real. I am remembering all the facets of vanlife in more and more detail. Yes, it's very free, but it's also very messy in a lot of ways! I won't be kicking back in a lounge chair on the front lawn on a balmy summer evening anymore! And with the very public gifting path I am engaged in, I won't have any anonymity when in the vicinity of Hella. It's a very unique experience to be doing the live aboard thing without a shred of stealth!

Anyway, I just wanted to update you all. I know I haven't been in Jackdaw production lately, but that's because of all the work of wrapping up a conventional life and career. Thanks for your patience and support! Everything changes radically on August 1.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Roslyn Vintage Trailer Rally...

Hella and I spent the weekend in the sweet little town of Roslyn, WA. It was a great opportunity to open her up for tours and spread the word about Jackdaw. I have never visited with so many people in 48 hours in all my life! It was exhilerating, but also a bit exhausting. All worth it though, as I made many fantastic new connections. Sorry there aren't a bunch of pics of the trailers at the rally. I didn't get much opportunity to go check them out! Hella was kinda poplular! The pics from town are from the one break I took around 8pm on Saturday. The only way to get a breather was to walk completely away from the park!

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Cruisin for Hospice today...

Hella and I participated in the annual 'Cruisin for Hospice' fund raiser car show today in Ellensburg. It was a perfect day and I showed the truck 'open house' style. Over fifty people took the opportunity to climb aboard and check it out. Lots of smiling kids! It was a great day of sharing with the locals what Jackdaw is all about.

And damn! Is that not the most awesome shade of purple on that 39 Chev?!

Friday, June 1, 2018

Time is flying!

I can hardly believe how quickly it's going! I literally have everything ready to go with my rolling home. All that's left to acquire is a couple more spare parts and my laptop. Lots of work left to do regarding my departure from regular life, but it will all get done.