Sunday, July 29, 2018


I've learned a great deal about promises thus far in life. I've kept most all that I have ever made. But, I've broken some very significant ones. When my children were young and their friend's parents began divorcing, I promised them they would never have that experience. It's painful to think of those broken promises, even though their lives are better now than if things had stayed the way they were. All kinds of circumstances in life can, and will, affect our ability to keep our promises. The reality is there is only one promise I can make and keep my entire life without fail. That promise is to love. This doesn't mean I will forever be here for the ones I love, or that they will always return my love or be there for me. Love is not a contract, it is a gift. It can be accepted, rejected or even trampled. The point of loving is to give with a whole heart and without expectation. As I continue on my path I am learning that the more liberal I am with love, the more it fills up my being. I wish you all very brave, open hearts!

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