Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A week off. Yes, I needed a vacation!

Even when you are inspired by and love what you do, you still need a break from it from time to time. After a solid year of gifting portraits it was great to hit the road purely for the joy of discovery! Exploring the northwestern tip of the Olympic Peninsula was breathtaking to say the least! I've definitely found my favorite beach in Washington state.

When the last glimmers of light in the west were gone and deepest twilight had given way to complete darkness, the waves began an incredible bioluminessence light show. I've never seen such a mesmerizing natural phenomena in person! As I watched transfixed for nearly an hour, it occurred to me that it had been happening all day long, but couldn't be seen until darkness had fallen. It reminded me of my life in 2013 and 14 when it felt the darkness would forever consume me. In the earliest days of that trial, I couldn't see any good ever coming of it. But, as I kept moving and evolving the light did manifest. And it did so in ways I never could have anticipated or imagined!

It often takes a dark time to reveal our true light. Don't fear the darkness, embrace it and receive the message. The message is often very challenging. Listen with an open and vulnerable heart so you don't waste the opportunity. Burn on!

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