Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The embers glow within you...

As any of you who know my story knows, much of what I’m doing with my life has been inspired by my experiences at Burning Man. Participating in those events while at such an intense personal crossroads had a deep impact on me. It was glorious and painful, often at the same time, and I swear it altered my DNA! 

My last burn was 2015. Never in a million years did I think it would take me five, (now hopefully just six), years to return to Black Rock City. It was heartbreaking when life circumstances forced me to sell my 2016 and 2017 Burn tickets. I didn’t buy 2018 or 2019 tickets because all my resources were going into Jackdaw’s launch. In retrospect, I see that I was concerned that my fire might dim without the annual recharge in the desert. The reality has turned out to be quite the opposite. The fire inside that my playa family fanned was already there. They simply inspired me to embrace and stoke it, which is what I do in little and big ways all the time. I will get back to Black Rock City someday, but my fire is not dependent on it. Life as I’m living it is all the stoke I need and I will keep it burning!  

So, here’s the thing. Right now, no matter where you are or what your circumstances, you have what you need to move toward what fires your soul. Sure, there are practical factors to work out. But, if you allow those concerns and considerations to keep you from stoking your passion it will never happen. The practical solutions come as you are willing to make sacrifices and take courageous steps. Baby steps ultimately lead to big leaps. Tell your family and friends what it is you will do. Make it known not only to yourself, but to all those around you. Doing so creates personal accountability and keeps you focused. Bind yourself to your passion and take the ride. I promise you, you will surprise yourself. Yes, you will fall flat on your face sometimes, that’s all part of the journey. You must be willing to boldly fail. There’s not an accomplished person in their field who will tell you otherwise. Not only does failure teach us what to do differently going forward, it keeps us grounded and humble. 

Lastly, it’s worth noting that my idea of success has little to do with societal or economic measures. So, take all this with a grain of salt! Those who don’t know me think I’m everything from inspiring, to crazy, and even lost. Those that know me see that I am a peaceful person living an authentic and inspired life. But, you don’t have to live in a vehicle to make your passion a reality. That just happens to be part of my journey. Your path is as unique and individual as you and your passion are. I’m simply encouraging you to have the courage to find that passionate purpose in your life and get busy manifesting it in your way. Dreaming about it won’t get it done. You must take action and it’s never too early or too late to get on it. Bust through the fearful roadblocks you have placed in your own way. Every moment of your life is a precious gift. You are here to make your unique, positive mark on humanity and those around you. Find your way and make it!

Get your fire ripping and as we say at That Thing in The Desert, “Burn on!”

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Not all who wander...

You all know I am hitting the road south for the winter for the first time this year. Seriously traveling in the truck versus just living in it locally, is something I’ve been preparing for and looking forward to for the last several years.

But, the suddenness with which I am free to roam has taken me by surprise. I have not had this kind of freedom since my mid-twenties. I’m no longer needed to help with mom’s care and won’t have any binding obligations here once her estate is settled this Fall. My son just turned 21 and has become more independent than ever in the last year. In a couple of weeks I’ll be swapping in a professionally rebuilt transfer case and third member in the truck, (paid for by my personal savings, not patronage), making Hella more road ready than ever. Everything has come together in this moment to release me into the next phase of the gifting I’m doing. I know it’s what I am meant to do and I’m eager to spread my wings and Jackdaw’s reach.

Even so, it won’t be emotionally easy to go. In the two years I’ve been in Seattle I have put down roots that have led to new love, friends and family. Following our authentic path requires us to do things that many perceive as selfish, foolish, or just plain crazy. Even though the ones I love support me, I know it’s hard for some of them to understand why I’m not willing to live a more conventional life. It’s even hard for me to understand at times! I have a feeling my trip this winter will answer many questions I have about myself. I’ve been living in my truck for over two years now, but it hasn’t been while traveling full time. Living on the road is the true test of how well suited one is to this lifestyle. It will be interesting to see the effect the journey has on my life perspective.

So, yes I have butterflies! For me that’s a good sign I’m on the right track! It’s almost time to venture out from the security of my well known Ballard enclave. In the meantime I’ll keep working Jackdaw, making time for those I love, and enjoying my last few months in the PNW before escaping the winter here.

Journey on!