Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Not all who wander...

You all know I am hitting the road south for the winter for the first time this year. Seriously traveling in the truck versus just living in it locally, is something I’ve been preparing for and looking forward to for the last several years.

But, the suddenness with which I am free to roam has taken me by surprise. I have not had this kind of freedom since my mid-twenties. I’m no longer needed to help with mom’s care and won’t have any binding obligations here once her estate is settled this Fall. My son just turned 21 and has become more independent than ever in the last year. In a couple of weeks I’ll be swapping in a professionally rebuilt transfer case and third member in the truck, (paid for by my personal savings, not patronage), making Hella more road ready than ever. Everything has come together in this moment to release me into the next phase of the gifting I’m doing. I know it’s what I am meant to do and I’m eager to spread my wings and Jackdaw’s reach.

Even so, it won’t be emotionally easy to go. In the two years I’ve been in Seattle I have put down roots that have led to new love, friends and family. Following our authentic path requires us to do things that many perceive as selfish, foolish, or just plain crazy. Even though the ones I love support me, I know it’s hard for some of them to understand why I’m not willing to live a more conventional life. It’s even hard for me to understand at times! I have a feeling my trip this winter will answer many questions I have about myself. I’ve been living in my truck for over two years now, but it hasn’t been while traveling full time. Living on the road is the true test of how well suited one is to this lifestyle. It will be interesting to see the effect the journey has on my life perspective.

So, yes I have butterflies! For me that’s a good sign I’m on the right track! It’s almost time to venture out from the security of my well known Ballard enclave. In the meantime I’ll keep working Jackdaw, making time for those I love, and enjoying my last few months in the PNW before escaping the winter here.

Journey on! 

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