Saturday, September 19, 2020


 As many of you know, my mom passed in early March. As a result of the pandemic, everything has moved in extra slow motion. It was only two weeks ago that my sister and I finally set about sorting through all of mom's possessions in preparation for conducting her estate sale. For anyone who has been through this process, you know what a monumental task it is emotionally as well as logistically. Mom didn't have a large house or a ton of material possessions. Even so, it took us five dedicated days to sort through everything she had. It didn't matter if it was office supplies, small stuffed animals, gift wrapping supplies, towels, or scraps of paper with her writing on it, everything reminded us of some aspect of mom or a special memory. You can't hurry when carefully sorting through boxes of loose letters and photos. You involuntarily slow down when seeing photos of your parent from long before you knew them. You hear their voice in the letters you read. I feel I have been given new insight into my mom in many ways. It was a very soulful reminding of mom's life. Her hopes, heartbreaks, struggles and joys. We put all those precious documents and photos in serious plastic tubs to keep them safe. I'm so grateful they survived the decades of being loose in all manner of cardboard boxes and envelopes! 

There were many material things I would have kept were it not for the space limitations of my 60 square foot home. There isn't much room in my life for anything that doesn't get used. But, there were a few small and special things that definitely made their way into my home. They are on my walls and hanging in here as well. The perfume pendant in the picture is one of them. It may be my imagination, but I feel like I remember mom wearing the scent that still resides in it.

The last two week's work was also very affirming for me regarding my path. Mom didn't leave behind a large estate and boatloads of stuff. That was never her priority in life. Her legacy is one of loving and blessing others, both family, friends and strangers. Despite all she suffered at the hands of some who hurt her so deeply, she never lost her deep capacity for love, forgiveness, and warmth. Without a doubt, she was and is my greatest inspiration. She definitely left some 'stuff' behind that is precious to my sister and I. But our true inheritance, and mom's greatest legacy, is the generous love and kindness she poured into every minute of our lives. Her spirit flows on through our lives and purpose now. 

Patricia 'Pat' Wacker/Villacres and 'MomMom', you are my hero. 


  1. Pat is someone who STILL impacts me dacades later: my first ever school office manager, her Kindness and helpfulness were on display EVERY day. To know the pain she and your family suffered around that time Is wounding, but you and Nicole are such a testament to Pat. Much love to you both. Karen Quinn

    1. Thank you very much Karen! Sharing your experience with mom means a great deal to me. She was really something special.

  2. What a beautiful tribute. Your mom is a big part of my memories of the Wenatchee years. She was one of the warmest, most loving friends I've had. Lots of hugs to you both. Kathy Blomquist (Malinowski)
