Sunday, July 24, 2022

Resistance always presents opportunity

Following your gut will rarely be an effortless and pleasant experience. More often than not, it means pushing through considerable resistance. It's a sad thing how much our western culture prioritizes comfort and the illusion of security. I often have conversations with people who are heavily burdened with the weight of the life they have created for themselves. Many of them have followed the prescribed path and achieved significant financial success. Yet, their lives feel heavy rather than liberated. 
I'll never forget the difficult process of letting go of 95% of my material possessions in preparation for the minimalist life I now live. Even though I didn't have much compared to most of my peers, it was still an unsettling experience at first. But, as I progressed through the task it got easier and easier to let go of things. I began feeling a deep sense of freedom that no amount of material possessions could ever deliver. The resistance to liberating myself waned with every step. 
By far the most challenging thing to walk away from was my amazing Civil Service job at Central Washington University. It was a true gem with all the job security and benefits one could ask for. At times I felt like a lunatic for walking away from that golden ticket of a conventional path to a terrific retirement. I would have stayed with it two years longer than I did had it not been for my mom's needs. I'm grateful for that motivation getting me out sooner than planned. The timing ended up being ideal not only for me, but for my family as well.
Even with absolute faith in my purpose, there was still tremendous resistance within me at times. It was the classic internal conflict of love versus fear. The resistance we encounter, either external or internal, is almost always rooted in fear. Fear of what might happen, fear of loss, fear of what others will think. 
Resistance is the opportunity to face and move through your fears. There is no path to your heart's desire and purpose that will not require periods of moving forward through resistance. Of course, you have to be clear about what you are doing. I'm not talking about blind faith. I'm talking about clarity of purpose. If you are moving with clarity, resistance is almost always a sign that you are going the right direction. 
Following my purpose through all the challenges continues to show me more and more about myself. Much of what it has taught me is counter to who I was raised to believe I should be. The journey out of those external expectations and boundaries continues to transform my sense of self and life view. And I'm still not always comfortable with it. 
There are low moments when I deeply question my path and where it's taking me. While my choices have created a life that challenges and inspires me, it has also created a very solo path which I've been surprised to discover I'm very comfortable with. So comfortable in fact, that it sometimes conerns me. When I dig in and look into that concern it is always rooted in fear. We are so programmed to think that being alone is bad somehow. That everyone needs to have a partner and if you don't, there's something wrong with you. That's such bullshit. There's nothing more wrong or dysfunctional with the desire to be alone than there is with the desire for partnership. You simply have the desire for one or the other. Not to mention that can always change. Yes, we have the freedome to change our paths! 
Which brings me back around to resistance. Whether presenting itself internally or externally, socially or physically, it is always telling you to dig deep. To feel the resistance and get to the root of it so you have full understanding. It's from that place of clarity that you either course correct, or push through. The important thing is that you make a conscious choice for yourself rather than deferring to the flow of external expectations of you. 
You choose!

Image> Card from the Urban Crow oracle deck by MJ Cullinane.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Jackdaw transparency...

As most everyone who follows me knows, is about gifting portraits to families who are underpriviliged or homeless. I've been at this work full time for 4 years as of July 31, 2022. As of this blog post, I have created portraits for 389 families! All of which have been provided at no charge to the families as well as the operations that house them. There are three key ways I am financially pulling this off thus far.

1> I live in my truck full time in order to keep my monthly expenses low. No rent or mortgage.
2> I maintain a Patreon account where people who want to support the work I do can make automatic monthly donations. I also have a PayPal donation link on my website. 
3> I pull from my retirement savings every month to cover the balance of my operating expenses.

At this point in time, my Patrons are covering almost half my monthly expenses- Thank you, you guys rock! My biggest expense is fuel. Next is food, and then cell phone, insurance, print paper and cartridges, a small storage unit, gym membership, and miscellaneous web related expenses.
In the last 6 months since the Exploring Alternatives video went live, I have gained about 20 patrons which has been fantastic! I think there's a possiblity that many of them became patrons without reading through my website for a thorough explanation of the work I do and how it's done. As a result, in the last few months I have lost a few  who have stated 'Lack of Transparency' for their reason they ended their patronage. This is what motivated me to write this post.
I know it's challenging for many who support this work to never get to see any of the portraits. But, protecting our subject's privacy is of paramount importance. The vast majority of the people I photograph are escaping domestic violence. Many are dealing with cataclysmic loss. Many are making their first tangible steps to recover from alcohol or drug addiction. Many are hopeful about the steps they are taking at the point I photograph their family. But, they are far from being willing to let their portraits out in the public domain. Yes, I do ask on occasion when it seems a possibility. But thus far, only one family has given me permission to share their portrait. Consequently, that's the portrait on my public Patreon page. 
You see, I experienced domestic violence as a young teen and have lived the scenario when a mom has to literally escape with her children while her husband is at work. I know that terror first hand. From the very beginning of this work, I have made it crystal clear to every family that they own the photos we create for them and that I will never publish them. This is a sacred and non-negotiable trust. The families own the portraits I create and even the shelters that house them have no rights to the portraits unless the families grant them.
Something new I'll be doing is  anonymously sharing some of the very moving experiences I have whilst photographing these families. I'll be doing this on occasion on my weekly YouTube video post. You can find my YouTube channel by searching '' there.  
There aren't words for how grateful I am to the donors and patrons of this work! I would have been out of funds two years ago were it not for your support. It's been just enough to keep extending me out bit by bit so I can keep at this as my full time purpose. Thank you! I also deeply appreciate your understanding regarding not getting to see the portraits you make possible. That is truly selfless charity and I am deeply honored by it. Let me also assure you that the families you are blessing are extremely grateful!
It's my hope that this post answers questions regarding how this all works and I encourage you to use the comments to ask any questions you may have. You may also feel free to email me if you prefer a more private dialog. My email is
As always, thank you for your support and for taking the time to read this.
