Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Family #123!

I was in Ellensburg last weekend to participate in Cruisin for Hospice on Sunday. On Saturday I shot portraits in Kiwanis Park and these lovely people gave me permission to share one of their family's portraits! I'm very grateful they did, thanks guys!

One of the most common questions I get when people learn about what I'm doing is, 'Where can I see all the portraits?'. I know it's a frustrating thing for people that I can't share them at will. But the families I photograph own the pics I create and they decide if they will be shared on my platforms. Giving them ownership of their images is one of the reasons I even get the opportunity to photograph them in the first place. They take me at my word and trust me which is a great honor. I understand what a lot of them are dealing with and they have my assurance their portraits will be seen only by those they choose to share them with.

But, as I had expected would eventually happen, I have that rare occasion where a family is just fine with being shown on my social media. WooHoo! They are the 123rd family I have created portraits for in the ten months since I launched into Jackdaw full time. The families I have photographed have been incredibly diverse in every conceivable way and all a joy to meet. Thank you all for trusting me and allowing me to create for you! And thank you to all my patrons that make this meaningful impact possible. You are supporting a truly timeless gift and blessing for people who never would have expected to have such a treasure. Namaste.

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