Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Where did the name Jackdaw come from?

The original name I came up with for this outreach was Familia Nomad. The winged heart logo came along shortly after the name. As time went on, I was struggling with the two-word name that used two different languages. It was also difficult for people to remember. When it was time to claim a domain for my website and paint it on Hella, Familia Nomad just wasn't working for me. I was frustrated about it and none of the new names I was coming up with were flipping my switch. A few days into the new name brainstorming, I had a dream in which I closed the driver's side door and saw the name 'Jackdaw' painted above the winged heart logo. It was just a brief glimpse, but enough that I remembered it when I woke up. I had never heard of a Jackdaw, so I googled it. Was I ever shocked when it turned out to be a small crow with grey plumage on it's head! This was significant to me because I have always had a deep connection with Corvids. The little crow with grey plumage matched perfectly with the grey that is overtaking my crown as well. Without hesitation I searched the domains available. All the usual .com, .org, .whatever were taken for Jackdaw. But, there were some new extensions available, one being .love. From the second I saw jackdaw.love I knew I'd been given the name! I bought it then and there and went to work on completing the site I had been building. Within a week I painted jackdaw.love on three sides of Hella. There was never a moment's doubt it was the right name for the outreach. Even the logo, which I had created a year before the name came along, is a perfect match to the name. Just more evidence of the beautiful magic at work in this outreach. I am greatly blessed to be a part of it!   Jackdaw bird info here-  http://www.discoverwildlife.com/blog/7-jackdaw-facts-you-need-know  Jackdaw photo from the Wikipedia page for Western Jackdaw'. The photo credit is 'Birds of Sweden'.

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