Sunday, November 11, 2018

The moments in between...

I just returned to Seattle and Jackdaw mode. I've been in Olympia the last 8 days taking care of mom and helping out my sister with some handyman tasks on her house. It's always surreal returning to this world. My monthly week with mom is very special, and getting more so every time. It's also very challenging. After a week of focused caregiver mode, it's not easy returning to my individual life. It's like stepping between worlds. My ritual upon return is to take a long walk and just be. Let all I experienced with mom during the week settle in and release. Look around and get reacquainted with what I'm doing here. Funny, I've always been a caregiver of sorts. Even Jackdaw has elements of that. Giving is good, and I am blessed to be a giver.

Be well my friends 

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