Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Happy Halloween!

This is a unique Halloween for me, that's for sure! My first in over 25 years that I won't have a door for trick or treaters to come knocking on. My son and I carved jack-o-lanterns a couple weeks ago and mine has been set on Hella's Fender facing the sidewalk where I park at night  I can tell the locals have enjoyed it as they walk by in the evening. I was storing it in the truck during the daytime, but like all carved pumpkins do, it started declining a bit too much for that. So, a few days ago I hid it in the tall grass behind where I park for the day. When I returned to my spot that evening, I found it perched on the post as pictured above. No damage done, just set onto a bolt to keep it steady. It looked great, so I left it there and lit it up as usual. It's been three days and nights now and it's still unharmed. So very cool!

I'm a big believer that we reap the energy we sew. Thus far I have been treated very warmly by the locals that walk by Hella daily in my Ballard spot. Many have stopped to introduce themselves and learn about what I'm doing. I know that's largely due to my unique vehicle. But, there's a tremendous amount of good energy surrounding it because of the path I'm on and I believe people sense that. Ballard has been an amazing community to get to know, and I feel very welcome here. I love the maritime nature of the place and am enjoying living here while I build the support for Jackdaw that will allow me to extend my reach beyond Puget Sound. I know the time will come when I will be traveling much more extensively and I won't have a regular home base like I do at the moment. In the meantime, I am blessed to call Ballard my Seattle home.

Thursday I leave for a gig in Wenatchee for a few days and then go directly to Olympia for a week helping out Mom. See you in mid-November Ballard!

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