Monday, January 7, 2019

Greasy and cold, inspired and happy.

It's Day 4 of Hella's heart transplant and all is going fabulously! As you can see in the pic, her original flathead six and transmission are out and I've been busy cleaning and rewiring the engine bay for the incoming V8. Pulling the engine was the easy part. Mounting the new V8 engine and transmission plus fabricating all their linkage, will be the real challenge. But, thanks to my awesome mentor Paul, I have every confidence we'll get it done, and done well. He's the person truly making this possible for me. Without his experience, shop, and tools, I'd still be sparingly limping Hella around Seattle with no solution in sight. So, while I am literally working in a refrigerator, (a freezer today actually!), I could not be more grateful and excited! The new engine, transmission and all the parts needed to finish up should be here this week.

Taking on this conversion has been a major exercise in faith. There isn't a kit out there for adapting a V8 to a Canadian 1954 Dodge M152. We are diving in with our combined skills to make it happen. I would be considerably more anxious about the scale of this project had it happened a year ago. But, after all I have experienced in leap taking since quitting my state job to go full time with Jackdaw, I know all is happening as it should. I am way more excited and intrigued with all I'm doing and learning than I am concerned with how it will all work out. I simply know it will. From large to small, problems always present opportunities to grow and this time is no exception. I encourage you to take a few leaps this year. Do something you know you want to do, but don't feel you're ready yet. In my experience, you're never more ready than you are right now. Take the leap with an open heart and willingness to grow and the results will amaze you.