Monday, January 21, 2019

What day is it?!

Day of the week? That I rarely know off the top of my head lately! It's Day 17 of the engine swap and I feel a bit spun, but it's a milestone day! We finished fabrication of all the driveline mounts today and the engine and transmission are bolted into the frame solid as a rock. I've been living and working in Paul's shop for over two weeks now and the progress we have made is phenomenal. Taking on this project was another big leap. I knew I had the mechanical skills to do this, but having never done it, I was nervous. But, it had to be faced and with each new day the solutions are found as we simply dig in. We still have many challenges ahead of us as we fabricate custom linkage. But, we'll figure it out as we go.

Just like life, if you wait until you think you are completely prepared to do something, you may never do it. Don't be afraid to fail. Failure is part of life and will happen whether you are doing what you want to or not. Problems are always opportunities to grow and learn, so don't let their potential keep you from following your instincts.

Once you know what you want, go for it with all you've got.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm very well said my dear.I think I need my pryan bar !!! Ha ha
