Friday, February 1, 2019

Dawn's early light

All the work is done and it's time to roll out of the woods of Poulsbo. This morning was my first in a month to awaken to natural light. What a simple pleasure! After a month of sleeping in Hella inside a shop with no windows, I really relished it.

All appears to be functioning well with the new drivetrain thus far. I had to make a clutch adjustment last night, but I think it's good now. I'll know soon! I will be forever grateful to Paul and Karion for making this all possible. I could not have done it alone. Even with Paul's expert help, it was a big push beyond my anxieties to tear out the original drivetrain and engineer how to fit a different one in. The education I received along the way is priceless. I now know every detail of the drivetrain in my truck. That is gold where driving a vintage, and now very custom, vehicle is concerned.

Time to load up the final boxes, grab a shower and say my goodbyes for now to Paul and Karion. Then I roll for the ferry.

I've got butterflies all over again!


  1. great job man my thought were with. when are you rolling out? whats your next stop? Darrell

  2. Hey Darrell! A quick trip with my kids this week then a week in Olympia to take care of mom. I'll be back in Seattle later this month.
