Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Sheared in Ballard

Haircuts. You can't cut your own, (well, I can't anyway), so you've got to pony up! This was only my second cut since I launched 9 months ago. I was way overdue because the last one was such a disaster! This time I did my homework and went to a seriously legit place, Rudy's in Ballard. What a difference! Thank you Liberty for taming my mane!

While I was there it was interesting to see all the guys sit down in the seats with hair that looked to me like it had just been cut the day before. It got me thinking about the gulf between the haves and the have-nots. A quality haircut may seem like a small thing, but it really isn't. They're expensive and out of reach for those who are barely surviving.

As I continue down this path of service to people who are struggling in life, I see more and more all that is stacked against them. So many little things that add up to giant hurdles as they strive to pull themselves up. Let me tell you, it fills me with a tremendous amount of empathy for their struggles, and gratitude for how blessed I am. If you feel blessed, I challenge you to give of yourself somehow, in an unexpected way, to someone who needs what you have to give. I promise you, it will fill up your heart and enrich your spirit.

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