Monday, December 30, 2019

The KING5 feature: What they couldn't share with you.

Good morning! It's a lovely 45 degrees in my house as I eat my breakfast and write you today. Yes, that is a lovely temperature! Like most all folks living in a vehicle or on the street, I've acclimated to living with the ambient temperature of the natural world. It's not uncomfortable for me until it drops into the low 30's and below. And even then, I just fire up my little butane heater. So, I do just fine.

My day at Pike Place yesterday was quite the experience! The TV feature has definitely raised Jackdaw's profile. I didn't know what that would be like, but I sure found out yesterday! It was a lot of fun having people walk up to me with smiles like they knew me. All of you so kind and encouraging, thank you! A lot of you asked the same questions as well, and that's why I'm writing this while my laundry spins.

I think Jake and Matt did an amazing job on the KING5 piece. But obviously, they didn't have the time to give the whole story of what I'm doing. That's my job and you can certainly get all the details on my website,

But, there's a couple things I want to clarify for you right here and now.

Firstly, yes I love living like I do. I prepared for years to do this and I have the right personality for living this way. But, it is not endlessly chill and easy as it appears in the TV piece. The yummy fresh taco meal that you saw me sharing with Talon is a once a week splurge dinner that we come together to do. I subsist on much simpler fare the rest of the time. Lots of sandwiches, eggs, fruit, chili, rice, grains, etc...

And my sidekick! That's pretty sweet actually and put a smile on my face when I heard it. My son, Talon, has a regular job and his own life and is not running around with me constantly. He has assisted me on some shoots, but not so much now that he is working more hours at his job. So, my apologies to the young ladies who were disappointed he wasn't hanging out with me yesterday at Pike Place!

Lastly, a word about how I'm doing this financially. I ran out of savings within four months of launching into this and began tapping my 403B retirement savings to carry on. My monthly expenses vary depending on how many portraits I create. But, in general it costs me between $12-1500 a month to live and gift at the level I currently am. That's my food, fuel, toiletries, a tiny storage unit, phone, insurance, prints, laundry, gear oil for my leaky transfer case, website, UNICEF, PO Box, Dropbox, and Adobe subscription. I travel about 6-700 miles a month generally. So, I'm doing all I can to keep it lean and survive long enough for patron support to reach a point of fully supporting the gifting work I do. My current patrons, (you guys ROCK!), provide a bit over $500 a month. I need at least a hundred more monthly $10 patrons as soon as possible. If I don't reach at least $1500 a month in patronage by the end of 2020, my retirement savings will be down to almost nothing and Jackdaw as it currently functions will come to an end. So, if this gifting work resonates with you and you'd like to support it, please go to my website and click the Patronage button under my bio. And of course, feel free to call or email any questions you have for me. My number is 509 607-3827 and email is

Again, thank you for all the lovely encouragement and support you all gave me yesterday! I've never had people want to get their pictures with me before! Hella's used to that and was a bit jealous I think...

Wishing you all a blessed and inspired 2020!


Saturday, December 28, 2019

Feels like home to me.

By now the majority of folks reading this blog have probably seen the news feature about me that KING5 just aired. In case you haven't seen it, here's a link-

Jake Whittenberg and Matt Mrozinski shot with me three days for the feature. They were sincerely engaged in the story and we became friends as the project rolled along. Seeing the finished feature for the first time a few days ago was like unexpectedly hearing my voice on a recording! It's unsettling at first, but then you begin to realize that's how you really look and sound. In the case of this story, it also shows me how they saw me, which is quite humbling and an honor. They're both passionate about their work and it shows. Thank you guys!

But, there's one thing about the feature that I have wrestled with from the first time I saw it. It's a single word. 'Homeless'. That really got me thinking about labels and the way they separate us. It's technically true that since I live in a vehicle, the government considers me homeless. But, I certainly don't feel homeless. There's a popular IG hashtag that perfectly sums up how I feel about my living situation - #houselessnothomeless. I prepared my vehicle for this life for over two years before launching into this. My home is tiny and has a truck chassis for a foundation, but it is no less a home than a brick and mortar one. I have overlander friends that have been living in their vehicles full time traveling the world for years and I've never heard them referred to as homeless.

In the work I do, I interact with people who are truly homeless. Many are in vehicles that provide nothing more than shelter from the weather. They don't have a kitchen, fridge, heat, a bed, solar power, or a toilet like I do. Then there are the ones with no vehicle who are truly without shelter. Living at that level of homelessness is extremely harsh, and it shows on them. They are the ones that people are most afraid to look at. I understand the need for a classification like the word homeless. But, I fear it does have a dehumanizing effect. For those of us that engage this community, we know the truth of their humanity. The vast majority of those who find themselves in this situation have had horrific life circumstances that they just couldn't overcome. They are every bit as individual, intelligent and capable as the successful people you know. There are hits in life that can be completely overwhelming and life changing. And for those that don't have deep enough resources and family or friend support, it can be devastating across the board. Sometimes they lose it all and fall into hopelessness.

Take some time to look deeper. They could be you under different circumstances. We've all taken chances and made stupid decisions in our youth that could have destroyed our lives. If you are happy with your life, you are not only blessed, you are lucky. I challenge you to think about that and look beyond whatever your judgements may be regarding the 'Homeless'. Perhaps through the lens of 'what if', you'll gain more empathy and gratitude, and become more capable of seeing the humanity in those wandering souls.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Honored to be...

There are myriad ways in which I am constantly moved by this work I am doing. Try as I might, I can't adequately put it into words. But, there is a singular expression that applies in every scenario- I am honored to my core.

Honored to be allowed into the places where the families I serve live. Homeless shelters, parking lots, playgrounds, parks, conference rooms and hospitals. I am graciously welcomed into times and spaces of great vulnerability in people's lives.

Honored to be in the company of the incredible employees and volunteers that staff the amazing organizations I work with. Their sole purpose to extend shelter and assistance to fellow humans that are grappling with brutal life challenges.

Honored to see the kids' wonder and excitement build as they watch me set up the background, lights and camera.

Honored to witness mothers proudly dressing up and grooming their children. At times, they themselves possessing nothing more than sweats and not feeling worthy of being in a portrait with their kids. I usually manage to change their minds about that and get them into one with their babies!

Honored to glimpse and be reminded what it is to flee domestic violence and abuse. The fear, tenderness and hope flashing across children's faces. Seeing the shift in their eyes as they conclude that I am not someone to fear, but am there in love and kindness. That is a singular honor indeed!

Honored by parent's joyous, sometimes tearful, reactions to receiving their family's portraits. The sense of pride and blessing they feel as they see how beautiful and strong their family is. Priceless.

Lastly, I am honored by the faith placed in me by the many patrons and donors who support this loving work. It means so much more than I can express! It's a monthly reminder that I am on the right path and that the way will continue to reveal itself as I keep gifting it up!

It is my sincere wish that you feel as honored and blessed in the life you are leading, as I do in mine.



Thursday, December 5, 2019

You are the gift!

Don't think for a second that you aren't powerful medicine. That you are somehow not as special as someone you admire or who inspires you. We all have a deep fire, a purpose we are uniquely gifted to pursue. You may have known what your purpose is since you were a small child. Or, like me, you lived half your life before you found it. And that's just fine since it often takes a great deal of living to reveal it. Not to mention the time needed for us to develop the skill set and courage to make it a reality. It doesn't matter in the least how long it takes. What matters is simply beginning. As you do, the way will reveal itself.

Don't be surprised if it wrecks your well laid plans and expectations about what your life was going to be. It can definitely get rough. But, it will ultimately light you up in ways you can't even imagine! Imagine no longer just surviving your days. Not feeling trapped and compulsively self-medicating with material possessions, vacations, and all manner of bullshit denial behaviors to distract you from your misery. I promise you, the more you engage your gifts in purposeful ways, the brighter your light becomes. More and more, you will know and feel your true power and place in this life. Creativity, kindness, and inspiration become your currency as you share your gift. Life begins taking care of itself in a very sweet flow. Yes, there's still difficult life shit to deal with, but you'll navigate it with more empathy and grace than ever before.

This is the walk of a freed spirit that has given itself over to love. There is no greater gift we can give or receive. And let me tell you, it puts one hell of a smile on your face a lot of the time!

In this season of so much focus on 'gifts', take time to seek the truth of yourself and the gift inside you. Finding purposeful, loving expression of your gifts is the whole point of being here. Have the courage to hear and act on that small, still voice within.


aka 'Jackdaw'