Monday, December 30, 2019

The KING5 feature: What they couldn't share with you.

Good morning! It's a lovely 45 degrees in my house as I eat my breakfast and write you today. Yes, that is a lovely temperature! Like most all folks living in a vehicle or on the street, I've acclimated to living with the ambient temperature of the natural world. It's not uncomfortable for me until it drops into the low 30's and below. And even then, I just fire up my little butane heater. So, I do just fine.

My day at Pike Place yesterday was quite the experience! The TV feature has definitely raised Jackdaw's profile. I didn't know what that would be like, but I sure found out yesterday! It was a lot of fun having people walk up to me with smiles like they knew me. All of you so kind and encouraging, thank you! A lot of you asked the same questions as well, and that's why I'm writing this while my laundry spins.

I think Jake and Matt did an amazing job on the KING5 piece. But obviously, they didn't have the time to give the whole story of what I'm doing. That's my job and you can certainly get all the details on my website,

But, there's a couple things I want to clarify for you right here and now.

Firstly, yes I love living like I do. I prepared for years to do this and I have the right personality for living this way. But, it is not endlessly chill and easy as it appears in the TV piece. The yummy fresh taco meal that you saw me sharing with Talon is a once a week splurge dinner that we come together to do. I subsist on much simpler fare the rest of the time. Lots of sandwiches, eggs, fruit, chili, rice, grains, etc...

And my sidekick! That's pretty sweet actually and put a smile on my face when I heard it. My son, Talon, has a regular job and his own life and is not running around with me constantly. He has assisted me on some shoots, but not so much now that he is working more hours at his job. So, my apologies to the young ladies who were disappointed he wasn't hanging out with me yesterday at Pike Place!

Lastly, a word about how I'm doing this financially. I ran out of savings within four months of launching into this and began tapping my 403B retirement savings to carry on. My monthly expenses vary depending on how many portraits I create. But, in general it costs me between $12-1500 a month to live and gift at the level I currently am. That's my food, fuel, toiletries, a tiny storage unit, phone, insurance, prints, laundry, gear oil for my leaky transfer case, website, UNICEF, PO Box, Dropbox, and Adobe subscription. I travel about 6-700 miles a month generally. So, I'm doing all I can to keep it lean and survive long enough for patron support to reach a point of fully supporting the gifting work I do. My current patrons, (you guys ROCK!), provide a bit over $500 a month. I need at least a hundred more monthly $10 patrons as soon as possible. If I don't reach at least $1500 a month in patronage by the end of 2020, my retirement savings will be down to almost nothing and Jackdaw as it currently functions will come to an end. So, if this gifting work resonates with you and you'd like to support it, please go to my website and click the Patronage button under my bio. And of course, feel free to call or email any questions you have for me. My number is 509 607-3827 and email is

Again, thank you for all the lovely encouragement and support you all gave me yesterday! I've never had people want to get their pictures with me before! Hella's used to that and was a bit jealous I think...

Wishing you all a blessed and inspired 2020!



  1. Rich, KQ here. I am in a house with only woodstove heat for the winter, and it is great...until we go away for a few days! Then we get home and if it is low 50's ( and always colder in that out??) I am dying. So I admire you on so many levels. Please, if it gets crazy cold this winter, remember my housesit offer! So thrilled with additional patrons signing on. Now let's get them sharing with THEIR friends, etc.

    1. Thank you KQ! I haven't forgotten your generous offer. But, I'm very content with my house and it allows me Total flexibility as I roam around gifting. I know what you mean about being gone for a while and being shocked at how cold it can be inside! Always nice to fire up the heat and get things cozy! Happy 2020!

