Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Honored to be...

There are myriad ways in which I am constantly moved by this work I am doing. Try as I might, I can't adequately put it into words. But, there is a singular expression that applies in every scenario- I am honored to my core.

Honored to be allowed into the places where the families I serve live. Homeless shelters, parking lots, playgrounds, parks, conference rooms and hospitals. I am graciously welcomed into times and spaces of great vulnerability in people's lives.

Honored to be in the company of the incredible employees and volunteers that staff the amazing organizations I work with. Their sole purpose to extend shelter and assistance to fellow humans that are grappling with brutal life challenges.

Honored to see the kids' wonder and excitement build as they watch me set up the background, lights and camera.

Honored to witness mothers proudly dressing up and grooming their children. At times, they themselves possessing nothing more than sweats and not feeling worthy of being in a portrait with their kids. I usually manage to change their minds about that and get them into one with their babies!

Honored to glimpse and be reminded what it is to flee domestic violence and abuse. The fear, tenderness and hope flashing across children's faces. Seeing the shift in their eyes as they conclude that I am not someone to fear, but am there in love and kindness. That is a singular honor indeed!

Honored by parent's joyous, sometimes tearful, reactions to receiving their family's portraits. The sense of pride and blessing they feel as they see how beautiful and strong their family is. Priceless.

Lastly, I am honored by the faith placed in me by the many patrons and donors who support this loving work. It means so much more than I can express! It's a monthly reminder that I am on the right path and that the way will continue to reveal itself as I keep gifting it up!

It is my sincere wish that you feel as honored and blessed in the life you are leading, as I do in mine.




  1. Rich, your words touch my heart deeply today. I was able to be back in San Francisco doing something I loved: helping at Project Homeless Connect, today I met clients who were as smart as any people I know. They had just run into unfortunate circumstances in one of the most expensive cities in earth. As you describe, they were appreciative, proud, humbled, and certainly worthy. THANK YOU for your work. I am so proud to support you.

    1. Thank you so very much for your acts of service and support WinWin! It's an amazing experience, isn't it?
