Thursday, December 5, 2019

You are the gift!

Don't think for a second that you aren't powerful medicine. That you are somehow not as special as someone you admire or who inspires you. We all have a deep fire, a purpose we are uniquely gifted to pursue. You may have known what your purpose is since you were a small child. Or, like me, you lived half your life before you found it. And that's just fine since it often takes a great deal of living to reveal it. Not to mention the time needed for us to develop the skill set and courage to make it a reality. It doesn't matter in the least how long it takes. What matters is simply beginning. As you do, the way will reveal itself.

Don't be surprised if it wrecks your well laid plans and expectations about what your life was going to be. It can definitely get rough. But, it will ultimately light you up in ways you can't even imagine! Imagine no longer just surviving your days. Not feeling trapped and compulsively self-medicating with material possessions, vacations, and all manner of bullshit denial behaviors to distract you from your misery. I promise you, the more you engage your gifts in purposeful ways, the brighter your light becomes. More and more, you will know and feel your true power and place in this life. Creativity, kindness, and inspiration become your currency as you share your gift. Life begins taking care of itself in a very sweet flow. Yes, there's still difficult life shit to deal with, but you'll navigate it with more empathy and grace than ever before.

This is the walk of a freed spirit that has given itself over to love. There is no greater gift we can give or receive. And let me tell you, it puts one hell of a smile on your face a lot of the time!

In this season of so much focus on 'gifts', take time to seek the truth of yourself and the gift inside you. Finding purposeful, loving expression of your gifts is the whole point of being here. Have the courage to hear and act on that small, still voice within.


aka 'Jackdaw'


  1. Hi rich...I must stop my monthly contribution for now...I'm sorry.

    1. That's just fine Unknown. I never want any of my patrons to over-extend themselves! Thank you very much for the support you gave. I am most grateful! Take good care of you!
