Wednesday, September 5, 2018

A timely gift...

Yesterday, my friends Arcelia and Jonas swung through Ballard to say hello. They gave me some very thoughtful gifts. A necklace from Jonas and a book and crystal from Arcelia. It was very sweet! The book is one of her favorites as well as mine. It's 'Illusions. The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah', by Richard Bach. I had this book many years ago and lent it out to someone, never to see it again. Incidentally, the same thing happened to Arcelia's copy! So, she bought me a new one for my journey. The timing couldn't be more perfect and I will enjoy revisiting these pages that I have read a few times in my life. It is even more timely for me now. I flipped it open this morning to see what random page it would open to, and the one pictured is where I landed.

I know I am doing what I am meant to do with my life. I feel it to my core with a certainty I have never felt before. Fears occasionally show up, but fall away as quickly as they materialized. One of the amazing aspects about letting go of my worldly 'empire' is that I have very little left to guard or protect. It has freed my heart to love in ways I had been afraid to in my previous life. Nothing to guard, total acceptance of who and what I am, and the same acceptance of everyone I meet. No more concern with earning anybody's respect or approval. I am just me doing what I am meant to do. No more illusory 'future' to build. Just love to give in this day and let life be what it will. This state of being is all the wealth I could ever ask for. Talk about blessed!

Follow your wild heart and have a wondrous day!

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