Friday, September 14, 2018

A week for mom

This is my precious mom. She is a big part of why I am doing what I'm doing right now. Leaving my full time job at CWU not only freed me up to expand portrait gifting to my full time purpose, it also freed me to give back to this amazing woman who has given me more than anyone in my life. I don't think I could love her more than I do! And now that I am free from the anchor of a full time job 200 miles from where she lives, I will be spending at least a week a month with her. I park Hella on her front yard and spoil her for a week. It's challenging switching gears from all I have going on with Jackdaw, but it's a very rewarding and grounding experience to focus on her life and needs for a week. Being with her always teaches me new things about her and myself. My week here is up tomorrow and I head back to Seattle. Back to my passion and some new and very exciting developments for Jackdaw. In the wake of this last week spent with my mother, I go forward with deep gratitude for all she has instilled in me. Love, kindness, gentleness and faith. You laid the foundation of the person I have become Mom. Thank you from the deepest part of me. You define the spirit of Jackdaw and you live in this work with me. All my love Dear one!

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