Saturday, September 22, 2018

The rain descends

My work for today is done. I'm parked at the marina where my son lives. It's nearly six pm and I've been reading for about an hour. It's one of those moments when I marvel at how nice my living space is. Even on this rainy, dreary evening, I have plenty of natural light to read by. It's warm and dry in here and I have an apple and a fresh loaf of sourdough to snack on. As you all know by now, I spent nearly five years living in a van 30 years ago in order to get my photography career off the ground after I graduated from the Art Institute of Seattle. And even though I chose that path and was excited about it, it was much harder than this time around. I felt displaced and like I didn't belong anywhere. The van was dark inside and not nearly as comfortable as Hella. So, on days that I didn't have work, I did a lot of driving to pass the time. It's the complete opposite with Hella. I built her to serve as my home and I enjoy time spent here when weather forces me indoors or I need a respite from public spaces. It's a huge contrast!  One of the most popular Instagram hashtags for vanlifers is #homeiswhereyouparkit. Well, when you've chosen this path and built a rig with that intent, that tagline is absolutely true! No debt and no rent. That is some serious wealth and freedom my friends. This lifestyle isn't for everybody. But, if you've ever considered it, feel free to give me a shout and I'll share my experience with you.


  1. I would to love to house truck in NZ. Maybe one day ....

    1. For sure, that would be awesome! Do you live in NZ?
