Sunday, October 21, 2018

Rubber hits the road

I've been based in Seattle for nearly three months now. It's been the best time of year to be a live aboard in Puget Sound. Perfect timing for reacquainting me with this lifestyle. Fall is here now and the days are getting shorter, the nights colder. As I laid waiting for sleep last night, I thought about how warm and comfortable I was in my little rig. I went to sleep peacefully. This morning I drove downtown at 0530 in order to get a primo parking spot at the market for the day. I got to see many street folk bundled up wherever they could find cover. That's always very sobering for me. One man began screaming profanities in the pre-dawn chill as if trying to warm himself up. Only he knows. It was disturbing and heartbreaking.

In the last few days I've realized I have been playing this a bit too safe. It snuck up on me as I saw my savings steadily decline. So, I began trying to make contacts electronically and on the phone so as to save fuel. As I did, Jackdaw's momentum slowed down. I know this work will have lulls from time to time as I seek out communities to serve. But, this was different. Hella opens doors when I arrive new places. That's just a fact, and without her, I'm just another guy walking in the door.

So, Fuel burn be damned! I will be rolling to new communities weekly now. I will have faith that as I do, more support for this work will come on board. The Universe is testing my mettle and I'm all in to show her what I've got.


  1. Rich, I do not think you want suggestions for communities, but I think there are many small places on the Peninsula that would be open to you....sort of. I say that as I have a longer version of how I understand what you are up against, and you have explained it beautifully. I am going to seek funding for you from some others...stay strong. LOVE this mission of yours. Your 6th grade teacher, Karen

  2. I'm always open to and appreciate suggestions like that Karen! The Peninsula is high on my PNW list. Please email me with your suggestions at Thanks! Rich
