Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Darrell and Hella's predecessor!

I am not a financially wealthy man. Buying a vintage military vehicle that needed restoration was not something I had the money for! So, I sold pretty much everything of value that I owned in order to acquire and restore Hella to the state she is today. Darrell is the man who bought the most valuable of my possessions, my 1978 Ford Bronco. I had owned and modified this beautiful trail rig for over 13 years. It faithfully took my family and I all over the PNW, California, Utah and Nevada. It was my dream rig and I didn't figure I would ever sell it. But, life had other plans and a new purpose for me. The story is a long one, but suffice to say the purpose I was given in 2015 wasn't going to be possible in the 78 Bronc. So, like so many things in my life at that time, I had to let it go. And so, the Bronco became Darrell's rig and began a new chapter with him. What a crazy cool thing that Darrell ultimately became my friend as well as a Jackdaw patron! Today he drove to Ballard to have lunch with me and see Hella in person. Damn cool man! You see, I sold the Bronco before I had Hella in my possession. It was Darrell's purchase of the Bronc that funded getting Hella hauled cross-continent from Ontario Canada to Ellensburg Washington. So, the Bronco truly soldiers on in Hella and is a part of Jackdaw's history.

Thank you for your friendship and support Darrell! I am honored to call you friend. The Bronco is in great hands!

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