Wednesday, August 1, 2018

How to respond?

The outpouring of love and support at my send off from CWU yesterday was amazing. I couldn't even get to everyone there to say goodbye! To those of you I missed, know that I saw you and was honored by your presence. I was given a beautiful planner, (that goes through 2019), stuffed with cards and letters, as well as cards from individuals and departments. I was also given a beautiful CWU mug that I had to very sheepishly decline because of space limitations. One envelope had a really slick flat multi tool that I am already carrying in my pocket.

I began my day today by reading all the cards, letters and notes. It was emotional, to say the least. I knew I did a good job for CWU, but I definitely underestimated how people there felt about me. All your words and the time you took to write them down really touched me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! You're all family to me. I feel your support and carry you with me as I begin the work before me. Namaste.

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